
Association of Petrochemical Engineering Students

Association of Petrochemical Engineering Students(APCES) officially welcomes you to this page. This site seeks to update Petrochemical Engineering students with information and activities relating to the field of study and the association. The site contains useful links to help students access materials such as course or study materials, news relating to the petrochemial field and many others. Have a great time browsing with us! APCES, All around us!


17th February 2023


Meet Dr.Ella Kwao Boateng and the women's commisioner as they bring on board a meeting on ...

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10th March 2023

APCES Entrepreneurial Push

Are you a student Entrepreneur? The long-anticipated ”APCES ENTREPRENEURIAL PUSH” is finally here...

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18th March 2023

Navigating the Industrial Ladder

Want to have a feel of Industry right? Join us and build your CV in addition....

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Did you know?

Temperature: The Most Misunderstood Process Variable

Measuring temperature is required in nearly all chemical processes, but engineers often struggle with implementation. Here are suggestions to avoid common pitfalls Measuring temperature in chemical processing applications remains, arguably, the most misunderstood of the four main process variables, which are flow, level, pressure and temperature. Complexity arises from process requirements of an application — such as where and how to locate a sensor — and from the sensing technology itself. we examine one particularly challenging application that incorporates many application-side problems, then dig into sensor and transmitter capabilities and trade-offs.

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